PRP versus Microdermabrasion for treatment of Stretch Marks

A study led by Dr Ibrahim and colleagues has assessed the safety and efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) vs. microdermabrasion for striae distensae (stretch marks) on 68 patients. Published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology the researchers found there was significant clinical improvement of striae distensae in patients treated with PRP injection and patients treated with combination of PRP and microdermabrasion when compared with patients treated with microdermabrasion. However, combination of PRP and microdermabrasion in the same session showed better results in short duration.

The study concluded that both treatments are well tolerated, safe and cost effective for treating striae distensae. Their results showed that PRP alone is more effective than microdermabrasion alone, but it is better to use a combination of both for increased and rapid efficacy. See the published research here:;jsessionid=D5F4C2D053861CC0575D58C62FECD401.f02t03?userIsAuthenticated=false&deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=