What is PRP?

PRP = Platelet Rich Plasma

  • Plasma is the liquid component of our blood which ‘holds’ all the cellular components such as red and white blood cells, as well as platelets.

  • Platelets are a highly important cellular fragment normally found in the blood

  • PRP = plasma that is rich in platelets ie: has a higher concentration of platelets than normal

  • PRP is an extract of your own blood that contains a high concentration of platelets, growth factors, and active proteins essential for tissue regeneration and healing. It has been used medically for years to accelerate surgical healing; repair tendon, ligament and joint damage; heal skin wounds; and help regrow muscle and bone.

Autologous PRP

Autologous means biologic tissue derived from the same patient who will benefit from it. The donor = the recipient. Autologous PRP simply means that the PRP extracted from the patient who the blood was taken from, will receive the PRP

Medical definition of PRP for therapeutic procedures

Many leading international researchers have agreed that PRP should be defined more precisely, and that the platelet concentration should be at least 3x physiological levels found in whole blood to be labelled as PRP. This higher concentration of platelets provides a powerful cellular therapy. For Alocuro produced PRP, the platelet concentration can be increased by up to 10 times(x) the concentration found in regular blood.

Why use PRP for skin rejuvenation

When PRP is injected back into the skin layers it initiates a local stem cell response. In the weeks and months following treatment these stem cells help to form new collagen structure and blood vessels, repair and regenerate damaged skin, and help slow and reverse the signs of aging, creating healthy skin that looks refreshed and rejuvenated.