Research published in the Journal of cosmetic dermatology for PRP use in improving stretch marks

Alocuro PRP is a safe and effective treatment to improve skin health, increase collagen production and minimise the appearance of stretch marks. Research published in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology has shown that the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) and microdermabrasion is an effective treatment for striae distensae (stretch marks).

Dr Ibrahim and colleagues compared the techniques of intradermal injection of PRP alone, microdermabrasion alone, or a combination of intradermal PRP and microdermabrasion in the same session on 68 patients with striae distensae (stretch marks). Each patient received up to six treatment sessions at two-week intervals.

The researchers found that, compared with microdermabrasion alone, PRP injection or combination therapy with PRP injection and microdermabrasion offered significant clinical improvement of striae distensae. Better results, in a shorter period of time, were achieved with a combination of PRP and microdermabrasion in the same session.

The authors concluded that "Platelet-rich plasma alone is more effective than microdermabrasion alone in the treatment of striae distensae, but it is better to use the combination of both for more and rapid efficacy." See the published article here: